Monday, January 7, 2013

Sad Situation

My friend is really upset and nothing I say can help. She keeps going on and on, and eventually hurts me in the processs with barbed words.
My other friend is trying to get me to work on a project we are doing together. I tell her I'm not in the mood to talk about the depressing topic she brought up. So she gets annoyed, says I'm avoiding the situation. I tell her I'm not feeling well and I'm about to cry and I'm gonna go. She says: nice, really nice. Avoiding the situation.
Obviously she didn't care what I feel.
I always try to help them when they're down.
Don't I deserve help too? Nobody bothers to ask how I feel, and I wouldn't just outright complin about something because I don't like bringing my friends down.
I don't really have much of a choice, do I.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


With me friends come and go. My aunt, whom I live with, even noticed this. I often switch from friends to friends depending on things like who I may be dating or what is most conveinent to me. My last set of friends is sad because I don't spend much time with them anymore, and spend all my time with my current set of friends. My current best friend just went home today after spending the last 5 nighs in a row at my house. I basically switched my last set of friends for my current set of friends because of my boyfriend. Since I am dating him, I spend more of my time with his friends, who I have now adopted as my own. My old ones complain about how I don't ask them to hsang out, but they don't ask me either, so I believe we're both at fault.

Introducing You To Hell

Hell is actually a town in Michigan, and I live in Connecticut, so I call where I live Semi-Hell instead. It is currently summer-time and it is near 100 degrees F each day. I have gotten sunburn several times so far this summer, and once more today. Semi-Hell isn't that bad a place: I can hang out with my friends a lot and there are two movie theaters within distance of the city bus. But sometimes things are not as they appear, and it is more the people and places that make a city worth living in (or in this case not).